Laboratoire COBRA, Normandy University, Rouen, France
« From organic methodology to the development of chemoselective ligations »
Groupe Français des Peptides et Protéines
French Peptide Society
Laboratoire de toxinologie moléculaire et biotechnologies, CEA Saclay ― France
« Venins, du poison au médicament »
Popularization lecture open to general public (in French)
CICS-UBI Universidade Beira Interior ― Covilha – Portugal
“Exploring the potential of peptide-plasmid DNA vectors for gene delivery in cancer therapy”
Diana Costa studied Chemistry at the Chemistry Department from the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal. She completed her PhD on the development of covalent DNA gels for delivery purposes, in 2009 at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. During her PhD studies, she also works at the Physical Chemistry Department from Lund University, Sweden and at the Karl-Franzens Institute from Graz University, Austria. She is currently a Principal Researcher at Health Sciences Research Centre, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã Portugal (CICS-UBI). Her research focus in the area of Biotechnology/Biomaterials Engineering, mainly on the Biomolecular and Biomaterials research for the development of novel therapeutic systems (micro, nanoparticulated or others) for targeted and controlled drug and/or gene delivery on nuclear and mitochondrial gene therapies field. In this context, currently, her research area covers the development of cell-penetrating peptide based delivery systems to operate therapeutically in a broad range of clinical applications.
Laboratoire des Biophysique des Membranes et RMN Université de Strasbourg ― Strasbourg- France
“The LAH4 system for DNA delivery: The metamorphosis of a model peptide to a medical tool”
He studied physics in Freiburg im Breisgau, Brighton and Heidelberg and finished 1999 with a master degree at the German cancer research center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. He did his PhD studies at the Max Planck Institut for Biochemistry in Martinsried and the University of Strasbourg under the supervision of Burkhard Bechinger and received 2003 the PhD degree from the University of Strasbourg. He broadened his expertise in PostDoc position at the Startup Company AC Immune, the University of Umeå and the University of Srasbourg. In 2014 he was recruted as chargé de recherche at CNRS (UMR 7177 university of Strasbourg/CNRS).
His main interst is the investigation of membrane peptides by solid state NMR and other biophysical methods like fluorescence, cirular dichroism and others. He is working on a peptide assisted enodsomal delivery system (LAH4). Is not a classical cell penetrating peptide, but it can serve a similar goal.
Laboratoire des Biomolécules LBM Sorbonne Université ― Paris – France
“Contributions of PIP2 to Penetratin internalization biophysical and affinity photocrosslinking approaches”
I did my PhD in Paris, at the Laboratoire des Biomolecules, Pierre et Marie Curie University, under the supervision of Isabel Alves and Sandrine Sagan, between 2008 and 2011. My PhD work focused on the analysis of peptide/membrane interactions in the context of cell penetrating peptides.
In 2012, I joined Jenny Gallop’s group at the Gurdon Institute, Cambridge University, as a postdoctoral research fellow. I worked on the regulation of actin polymerisation by lipid membranes. My work focused on the regulatory role of certain phosphoinositides, membrane curvature and curvature-inducing proteins.
In 2014, I came back to Paris and joined the Laboratoire des Biomolecules as Assistant Professor attached to the Chemistry Faculty. My research focuses on the analysis of the mechanism of action of membrane active peptides (cell penetrating, antimicrobial, viral…) at a molecular level, using biophysical approaches.
Regarding the worldwide situation about the
COVID-19, we are sorry to announce that the conference “Cell-penetrating peptides: Next generation delivery systems” will be postponed.
We are doing our best to find an adequate new date as soon as possible during 2021-2022.
Past thematic days organized under the auspices of GFPP
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July 3rd, 2019 : deadline for oral communication submission
July 30th, 2019 : deadline for poster submission.
September 12th, 2019 : end of registration.Registration types | Registration Fees |
Student / Postdoctoral fellow | 60 € |
Academic delegate | 96 € |
Private company delegate | 180 € |
Deadline for submitting an abstract for oral communication :
July 3rd, 2019
Deadline for submitting an abstract for poster communication :
July 30th, 2019
Please, download one of the following template :
Word (.docx): NCAA_Abstract_YourName
Word (.doc): NCAA_Abstract_YourName
October 21st, 2019 (afternoon)
1 pm – 1:40 pm : registration, coffee
1:40 pm – 1:50 pm : welcome address
1:50 pm – 2:30 pm : Helma Wennemers
“The Many Faces of Proline”
2:30 pm – 2:50 pm : Igor Komarov
“Natural peptides endued with “unnatural” structure and functions (case studies)“
2:50 pm – 3:10 pm : Lucile Fischer
“Helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers for protein surface recognition“
3:10 pm – 3:30 pm : Susanne Huhmann
“Towards fluorinated, peptide-based HIV-1 fusion inhibitors“
3:30 pm – 3:50 pm : Marcin Drag
“Hybrid Combinatorial Substrate Library with unnatural amino acids in design of specific and active probes for proteolytic enzymes“
3:50 pm – 4:20 pm : soft drinks
4:20 pm – 5:00 pm : Dafydd Jones
“Making proteins do unnatural things with unnatural amino acids: from non-native-PTM to nanotechnology”
5:00 pm – 5:20 pm : Julien Pytkowicz
“Non Canonical Trifluoromethylated Amino Acids: Efficient Tools to Modify Peptides Conformation and Hydrophobicity“
5:20 pm – 5:40 pm : Arnaud Martel
“Asymmetric Synthesis of R and S d-Valerolactamic Quaternary Amino Acids as Chiral b-Turn Inducers“
5:40 pm – 6:00 pm : Samir Messaoudi
“”Tag and modify” strategy for the Pd-catalyzed Thioglycoconjugation of peptides“
6:00 pm – 6:40 pm : Muriel Gondry
“Cyclodipeptide synthase-dependent pathways: an efficient tool to incorporate non-canonical amino acids into 2,5-diketopiperazines”
6 : 40 pm – 8:00 pm : poster session / cocktail
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm : diner
October 22nd, 2019 (morning)
8:30 am – 9:10 am : Irene Coin
“Genetically encoded chemical tools for GPCR studies”
9:10 am – 9:30 am : Shixin Ye
“Photosensitive tyrosine analogues unravel site-dependent phosphorylation in TrkA initiated MAPK/ERK signaling”
9:30 am – 9:50 am : Annemieke Madder
“3-(2-Furyl)alanine as a versatile and ROS triggerable amino acid for peptide and protein crosslinking and labeling”
9:50 am – 10:10 am : Dmytro Dziuba
“Diazirine-based unnatural amino acids as chemical tools for studying RNA-protein interactions”
10:10 am – 10:30 am : Robert Quast
“Improving the accuracy of smFRET measurements through site-specific protein labeling using two distinct non-canonical amino acids with orthogonal reactivity “
10:30 am – 11:00 am : coffee break
11:00 am – 11:40 am : Thomas Sakmar
“Using Genetic Code Expansion Technology to Probe the Functionality of Cryptic Ligand-Binding Pockets in GPCRs”
11:40 am – 12:00 am : Carlos Elena-Real
“Site-specific incorporation of isotopically labeled amino acids to study homorepeat proteins at high resolution“
12:00 am – 12:20 am : Davy Sinnaeve
“Fluorinated prolines to investigate protein-protein interactions“
12:20 am – 12:40 am : Lionel Imbert
“In vitro specific labelling of proteins: A powerful tool to study challenging targets using NMR spectroscopy“
12:40 am – 12:50 am : concluding remarks
The symposium will take place in the Sorbonne Université Jussieu Campus, located in the center of Paris, near the Seine river.
The conference center is located between the towers numbered 44 and 54, on the first floor. Please take the elevator or climb the stairs from Tower 44’s entrance. Download the following map
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We are pleased to invite you to participate to this symposium entitled :
Co-organized with the French Peptides and Proteins Group (GFPP), this symposium will be held in Paris (France), from Monday 21st to Tuesday 22nd october 2019.
This two-day international symposium will focus on the emergent use of noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs) in peptide and protein science. It will bring together chemists, biochemists, biologists and biophysicists involved in the development of new technologies using ncAAs and in their application to biological questions.
A wide range of topics ranging from synthetic methodologies to applications in biology and biophysics will be covered. Contributions related to the synthesis of ncAAs and their incorporation in polypeptides by means of chemical or biological approaches will be considered. This includes methodological developments in solid phase peptide synthesis, cell-free expression, engineered host strains or aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase engineering. Applications in the field of chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, biomaterials science or biophysical studies will be particularly welcome.
The meeting will take place at Sorbonne University on October 21st-22nd 2019. The official language of the meeting will be English. Contributions will be presented as oral communication (15 min) or poster presentation.
All participants will have to register online. For any enquiry, please contact us.
Looking forward to seeing you in Paris!
The organizing committee
Tuesday afternoon excursions
The choice between several excursions is proposed for Tuesday afternoon. Either :
Canoe/kayak on the river Loire.
Visit of two wine cellars, including wine tasting sessions: oenotouristic visit of a troglodyte wine cellar, and visit of a family-owned cellar and vineyard.
Visit of the Chenonceau castle.
Visit of the castle of Chaumont-sur-loire and the international garden festival.
Please note that some of the proposed excursions options could finally be unavailable, either in case of weather incompatibilities or a of a too small number of registered participants for a given option. We will keep in touch with registered participants in due course to arrange for an alternative option.
Through its mailing list (800 subscribers), the GFPP regularly posts (one to two messages per month) job offers in the field of peptide and protein science, information about conferences and short thematic meetings organized by the association, and also relays announcements of congresses or other national and international events in the field.
To submit a job or internship offer, please use the dedicated online form.
To request to relay the announcement of an event, please send a message to this email.
To register or to be removed from our mailing list, please send a message to this address, with the subject line “GFPP Mailing List Subscription Request” or “Unsubscribe to the GFPP Mailing List”.
Inaugural conference
Invited lectures
Lille, 26-27 May 2016
Invited Speakers :
Huib Ovaa (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Pays-bas)
Oliver Seitz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Allemagne)
Scientific Committee : Oleg Melnyk (IBL, Lille), Nathalie Ollivier (IBL, Lille), Vincent Aucagne (CBM, Orléans), Didier Boturyn (DCM, Grenoble).
Montpellier, 2-3 april 2012
Invited Speakers :
Brigida Bochicchio (University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italie)
Jean-Christophe Gelly (Université Denis Diderot, Paris, France)
Ernest Giralt (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Espagne)
Helma Wennemers (University of Basel, Basel, Suisse)
Scientific Committee : Florine Cavelier (IBMM, Montpellier), Nicolas Floquet (IBMM, Montpellier), Isabelle Parrot (IBMM, Montpellier), Sonia Cantel (IBMM, Montpellier), David Aitken (ICMMO, Orsay), Marie-Christine Averlant-Petit (LCPM, Nancy), Sylvie Corneille (IBMM, Montpellier).
Paris, 8-9 avril 2010
Co-organized with the Protein and Peptide Science Group (PPSG) from the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Invited Speakers :
Maurice Goeldner (Université de Strasbourg, Illkirch, France)
Duncan Graham (University of Strathclyde, Glascow, UK)
Barbara Imperiali (MIT, Cambridge, USA)
Ludovic Jullien (ENS, Paris, France)
Justin E. Molloy (NIMR, MRC, London, UK)
May C. Morris (CRBM, Montpellier, France)
Scientific Committee : Fabienne Burlina (UPMC, Paris), Weng C. Chan (Univ Nottingham, UK), Gérard Chassaing (UPMC, Paris), Solange Lavielle (UPMC, Paris), Olivier Lequin (UPMC, Paris), John Offer (NIMR London, UK)
Probes for peptide science – scientific program
Paris, 7 December 2010
Co-organized with the Société de Chimie Thérapeutique (SCT).
Invited Speakers :
Pierre Rivière (Ferring Research Institute, San Diego, USA);
Jean-Alain Fehrentz (IBMM, Montpellier, France);
Daniel Obrecht (Polyphor, Allschwil, Suisse);
Anders Dyhr Toft (Novo Nordisk, UK / Danemark);
Jorgen Wittendorff (Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Danemark);
Eric Zanelli (Peptimmune, Boston, USA).
JournéesSCT-GFPP2010 – scientific program
Lille, 26-27 March 2008
Invited Speakers :
Phillip Dawson (Scripps research institute, La Jolla, US)
Antonello Pessi (IRBM – Merck Resarch Laboratories, Rome, Italie)
Scientific Committee : Oleg Melnyk (IBL, Lille), Nathalie Ollivier (IBL, Lille)
2emeColloqueligationChimique – scientific program